Tuesday, January 6


Okeydoke. I have arrived in London for my semester with the Center for Transnational Legal Studies. I'm starting this personal blog back up, because I figure a lot of people reading Urbanagora don't care much about much of what I'll be posting here. When I write about something travel-related that a broader audience might care about, I'll cross-post it over there, but this will be exclusively for more personal, every-day stuff that only family and close friends would care about.

With that, some pictures of my place...

A broad view of the place from when you walk in the door. There's a bathroom behind where I'm standing to take this picture.

The kitchen area. The cabinet on the right is a little fridge.

A closer view of the desk and bed area. The black monitor next to my computer is a TV.

My view looking straight out the window.

Another view out the window.

My desk, looking from my bed.

Me, looking at my mirror, which helpfully has a map of the London underground on it.


Blogger Billy Joe Mills said...

Hey Briguy, good luck with your semester in London. Katie will be in Ireland, you two should meet up. Have fun man, I'm jealous!

5:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

love the pictures....keep them coming


5:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Your apartment is so tiny and cute! Thomas and I stayed at his cousin's/cousin's girlfriend's studio in Belsize Park and it was the smallest apartment on earth... but somehow all four had more than enough room and got a lot great. Thank god for Murphy beds.

I'll be checking your blog frequently. Have fun!

6:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love it Brian! Your space is so cute but wow it is tiny.

12:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

And I loved what you've learned so far...good lessons lol! (Janelle my name comes up as nell)

1:03 AM  

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