Monday, February 2

London Snow

So today London received the most snow it's gotten in 18 years, which caused much of the city to shut down, including my classes. I celebrated my snow day by sleeping until noon and then getting brunch at a really good nearby restaurant called the Breakfast Club, which serves all-day breakfast along with other stuff, and - as one would suspect from the name - is 80's themed. The meals are all gigantic and delicious, which was good.

It was interesting to see that the kids in the neighborhood felt no reluctance whatsoever about throwing snowballs at random people. On the way back from brunch, we were besieged by some kids staked out like snipers in the balconies of an apartment building. It was basically Mogadishu, but colder. I took a hit in the arm, but we managed to escape alive.

Word is we're going to keep getting snow for at least the next couple days, so I'm hoping for some more snow days. I'll have to watch my back when I go outside.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh....that's too got sad.

What kind of stuff do they eat for brunch over there?

2:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's global warming I tell you! The weather is crazy!

1:50 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

They eat pretty close to the same stuff (eggs, potatoes, etc.), but with baked beans on the side, and maybe also blood pudding.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oooooh....that blood pudding really sounds good....make sure you bring home the recipe

4:23 PM  

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